After careers as a soldier and then the head of a small family company, I have been a full time writer, speaker and campaigner on conservation for five years.
The natural world has many problems: climate change, pollution, soil degradation, waste and disease to name but five, but it is the issue of biodiversity loss and the opportunities for its reversal that fascinate me, and which I write about. We know the dangers of climate change, because we cannot duck the potential 58 metres of rising sea levels trapped in the Antarctic ice; but we do not understand the risks of the accelerating species loss around us, and do not know whether or not it will kill us all. But, unlike climate change, species loss is often extremely easy to reverse, if we choose, to, and there are thousands of examples of where this is being done. As a story teller, I believe that I can play my small part in promoting this adventure.
In the spring of 2022, I walked 1,000 miles from Lymington, on the Solent, to Cape Wrath in northern Scotland, partly to see for myself the state of my country’s nature, and partly for the sake of adventure. The story of this walk will be published in March 2023, by Icon Books, as Across a Waking Land: A Long Walk through a British Spring. This is my fourth book on nature, and follows three others on sport. All can be purchased through this website by following the link below.
In another section of my life, I am the chair of trustees of the conservation charity, Curlew Action, which I helped to found in 2019/20 with film maker and author, Mary Colwell.
To keep things light, I also write about cricket, and publish an occasional blog on the weirdness of this beautiful world we call home.