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What our politicians could learn from Manx Shearwaters.

Roger Morgan-Grenville


There is absolutely nothing that our politicians could learn from an ocean-going seabird.

In fact, it is odd that you have opened a link thinking that there really might be some deep lesson that nature could teach the members of our febrile and unhappy parliament.

Think about it for a moment.

What in the name of heaven could a small black and white seabird teach a British politician, when it spends the first seventy days of its life in the pitch dark six foot down a disused and smelly rabbit warren, surrounded by detritus and bits of rotten fish, ignoring everyone except its immediate next of kin except for shouting occasional abuse at its neighbours, and then launching itself from an unfeasibly high cliff top on some dim impulse, into the dark night in search of a faraway destination of which it has only some vague, instinctive awareness, and which it can probably only find by a mixture of magnetism, smell and luck?

It is strange that you should even ask.

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