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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Mar 4, 20222 min read
You, Ukraine and my walk.
As many of you know, I am setting off on Monday for a 1,000 mile walk from Lymington to Cape Wrath. A bit bonkers, but it’s not exactly...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Jan 16, 20213 min read
he トイレ I really don’t want
These are weird times, and you may therefore like to consider the Lizardman Constant. It is a theory developed by the American polling...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Dec 18, 20203 min read
Get off of my Cloud
One of the least helpful answers in all of history has to be God’s, given to Moses at the burning bush, when the latter asked him who he...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Nov 1, 20203 min read
Art and Idiocy
Human progress is erratic, meaning that, whilst it tends to go in a vaguely constant direction, it does not go in a straight line. From...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Sep 30, 20203 min read
The House Edge
You may not be familiar with the term, but the ‘house edge’ is that rule which dictates that the casino never loses. Not at roulette, not...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Sep 9, 20202 min read
Never google ‘What to do with a courgette’
I’m not sure what possessed me, other than that it was my turn to cook that evening, and it was clear that our glut of courgettes were...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Sep 2, 20203 min read
I’ll survive. Possibly.
As soon as it was explained to me by the Prime Minister back in the spring that it was my job to ‘protect the NHS’ and not vice-versa as...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Jun 13, 20203 min read
We (really don’t) need to talk about Nigel.
There have been very few Nigels in my life, unless you count my colleague and friend in the army all those years ago. However, he...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
May 27, 20203 min read
Virtual you; virtual me.
It wasn’t meant to be like this. I’d swallowed a nut the wrong way on the drive into Midhurst and was having a coughing fit in the queue...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
May 11, 20203 min read
Sad hand.
For the first six Saturday nights of lockdown, we ran an online quiz, of which one early question was: ‘how many people work for the...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
May 6, 20203 min read
Why 1927 really matters to us all….
Seven weeks ago, I made a catastrophic error of judgment. I think that it is a mark of these more self-aware days that we are fortunate...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Apr 7, 20203 min read
Kafka in the Spice Cupboard
‘Every tomorrow,’ wrote Henry Ward Beecher, ‘has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety, or the handle of faith.’...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Apr 3, 202020 min read
From Wuhan to Wisborough Green (ctd)
In order to make it easier to read, the Wuhan Diary is now presented in reverse chronological order, so you only read the catch-up bits....
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Mar 31, 20202 min read
Psalm 151. Or something.
Day 90: Psalm 151 Percuniam Pro Hominibus And on the ninetieth day, I walked out into the sand of the shadow of the Valley of Death, and...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Mar 29, 202016 min read
From Wuhan to Wisborough Green
COVID-19 IN VERSE AND PROSE Surrealist thoughts for a surrealist time. In The Beginning Day 1: A Bat with a Cough One late Autumn day on...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Mar 25, 20203 min read
The joy of Crisis Food
Both sides of my working life have, for the time being, fallen completely by the wayside, and I have therefore signed up as a drug...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Mar 22, 20203 min read
Boredom, and the quiet joy of moisturiser.
In this strange new world, where an aeroplane is an event once again, I am learning fast. One of the things that I am learning is that I...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Mar 19, 20203 min read
New World. New Words.
To each experience, a new vocabulary. Up in our bedroom we look at each other in strange ways during that first early morning cough....
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Mar 4, 20202 min read
In Praise of the Suits
Something rather wonderful is happening in our new Pontius Pilate world of hand-washing. Bear with me, because first we need to go...
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Roger Morgan-Grenville
Jan 30, 20203 min read
The Purity Spiral
I fear that my dogs are becoming woke. Once red in tooth and claw, you could point to anything sweet, small, furry and with a functioning...
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